Prototype of bestiary, conducted between 1998 and 2004, which have been marked with an asterisk (*) have been updated, I hope one day end all. All re make in ink on paper.
L & DM.
Hombre Elefante, Orobas, Fantasma Ectoplásmico.
(Elephant Man, Orobas, Ectoplasmic Ghost).
(Elephant Man, Orobas, Ectoplasmic Ghost).
Banshee, Talos, Metamorfo.
(Banshee, Thalos, Shapeshifter).
(Banshee, Thalos, Shapeshifter).
Genio, Ondina, Bestia de Le Gevaudan.
(Genius, Ondine, Beast of Le Gevaudan).
(Genius, Ondine, Beast of Le Gevaudan).
Tritón, Tengu, Cíclope.
(Triton, Tengu, Cyclops).
(Triton, Tengu, Cyclops).
Humanoide, kraken, Basiliskos *.
(Humanoid, kraken, Basilisk *).
(Humanoid, kraken, Basilisk *).
Ogro* , Fantasma, Zombie.
(Ogre* , Phantom, Zombie).
(Ogre* , Phantom, Zombie).
Hidra, Dragón.
(Hydra, Dragon).
(Hydra, Dragon).
Dinosaurio, Montruo del Lago Ness, Behemoth.
(Dinosaur, Monster of Loch Ness, Behemoth).
(Dinosaur, Monster of Loch Ness, Behemoth).
Windigo, Tarrasca, Asesino.
Windigo, Tarascan, Murderer.
Windigo, Tarascan, Murderer.
Quimera, Duende I, Duende II.
(Chimera, Goblin I, Goblin II).
(Chimera, Goblin I, Goblin II).
Silvano, Enano, Larva.
(Silvanus, Dwarf, Larve).
(Silvanus, Dwarf, Larve).
Lares, Gnomos.
(Lares, Gnomes).
(Lares, Gnomes).
Náyade, Sílfide, Manes.
(Naiad, La Sylphide, Di Manes).
(Naiad, La Sylphide, Di Manes).
Fauno, Sátiro, Nereida.
(Fauns, Satyr, Nereid).
(Fauns, Satyr, Nereid).
Elfos *.
(Elf *).
(Elf *).
Águila, Quetzal, Serpiente y Jaguar.
Eagle, Quetzal, Snake and Jaguar.
Eagle, Quetzal, Snake and Jaguar.
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